Month: November 2022

  • Your Dog has Rights

    Folks your dogs do have rights as do you. If you or your dog are being threatened please reach out to your local SAPS and SPCA. When you do go report to the SAPS make sure you get the officers name who you speak to first. Note the date and time that you went to…

  • Surrendering of dogs

    We commend the organisations who have opened their doors to the floods of dogs who will be pouring in this week. Should you have a dog who you can no longer keep for any reason, please contact your local SPCA. There are private shelters who have raised their hands to assist and we will make…

  • Another fatal attack

    Not for sensitive viewers. (ANY VICTIM SHAMING EARNS YOU AN IMMEDIATE BAN) This coming week, when you want to insult professionals and fight us on our stance remember this video. This week when you would rather call your favorite rescuers who feed you soothing lies heroes, remember this video. This week when you want to…

  • Re-share: Pit Bull Owner Responsibility

    Old interview, but we urge you to watch. For years we tried to warn pit bull owners to start taking responsibility, but most of you would listen. Watch interview

  • Questions for our followers

    And we would appreciate honest answers. We are speaking to many people from all sides and these are things that keep getting raised. Right now most pit bull lovers are the ones killing the breed. So now we are asking, WHY?

  • Misinformation Kills and is destroying the pit bull

    Misinformation kills and is destroying the pit bull. You cannot advocate for them if you are not willing to accept that their history shapes who they are today. By accepting the APBT for who it is does not make you pro dog fighting, it makes you an owner who understands what your dog can do…

  • Are Strict Regulations Necessary for owning pit bulls as pets?

    Interview on Saturday, 19 November 2022. Please listen carefully to what the behaviorists explains. Watch Interview

  • Responsible Ownership

    The PBFSA echoes the sentiment of the ADBA in America. There are bad dogs and bad owners. BUT there are many many great, well adjusted, well managed dogs and responsible owners. Address the root cause:

  • From the PBFSA Board for release 18/11/2022

    On behalf of the PBFSA board and management team we would like to extend our thanks to every media outlet who has reached out, every pit bull owner and concerned member of the public and then to our two spokes ladies who have thrown everything they have at this fight. They have given up having…


    Over the last few days chaos has taken over, largely fueled by sensationalist dangerous media article headlines and fire fueling hearsay fed to you all by those who seek drama and outrage at the expense of anyone who will react with them. The PBFSA would like to clear up any misconceptions and relieve the anxiety…