About our site:

pbfsa.co.za aims to be premier resource of American Pit Bull Terrier and their humans in South Africa. This is the place to learn about the breed, and for owners to share and grow their enjoyment. We are not veterinarians or veterinary health care specialists. So please check first with a certified specialist before considering any changes in your pets life.

All content on pbfsa.co.za is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. However, we do not warrant this information. We are not responsible for the actions of others, and we are not responsible for how you use this information. Always consult a veterinarian if you have health questions, and it is also best to talk to a professional, experienced dog trainer for training questions.

If your Pit Bull has shown aggression in the past, we recommend immediately taking it to a professional dog behaviorist and trainer to correct the issue, or, in extreme cases, doing the right thing and putting the dog down.

All forum posts and comments are the content of their respective authors, and pbfsa.co.za is not responsible for the content of them.

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pbfsa.co.za has affiliates and may participate in affiliate advertising programs or referral programs. Keep in mind that any purchase you complete by following any of our hyperlinks might get us a small commission.