How to address overpopulation

Let’s kick off Pit Bull Awareness Month by being realistic about the vast number of pit bull-type dogs in shelters.

There is an overwhelming amount of dogs that are up for adoption and just not enough “appropriate homes”. These dogs are sitting in a 2x4m square kennel slowly going out of their minds. How do we address this?

Proper breeding practices is one of the best options. Breeding pit bulls should be left to the few selective preservation breeders who have made it their life’s mission to select proper specimen for the betterment of the breed!

The rest of us should spay & neuter our pit bulls!

Benefits of spaying & neutering:

Population Control – it will help reduce the number of unwanted dogs, curbing overpopulation and relieve the strain on shelters.

Health Benefits – it can lower the risk of certain cancers and other health issues, promoting longer, healthier lives.

Behavioral Improvements – altered dogs often exhibit fewer behavioral problems, such as aggression and roaming tendencies, making them easier to manage.

Community Safety – reducing the number of stray dogs can decrease dog-related incidents and improve community safety.

Responsible Ownership – promoting responsible pet ownership, encouraging individuals to consider the implications of breeding and caring for pets.

Let’s stand together as a pit bull community!!


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