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From the President of the Pit Bull Federation of South Africa
Today, 30 October 2022 I want to talk from my heart.
I am not one for public speaking, but like to work “on the ground” with the people, and that is the reason you don’t ‘hear’ from me. For this reason the Board has appointed two spokespersons to handle media queries.
A lot is being said in the media, and for some it may appear that the Federation is against the pit bulls and that we are not doing anything – BUT I can assure you we are hard at work behind the scenes to save our dogs.
I get a lot of calls from people who are very unsure and troubled about the things that are happening. And I agree, a lot of the things are very alarming and frightening, and it should not be happening. The Federation has been warning the pit-bull community for decades about what could happen. We are now at that point that we must stand together as pit bull lovers, take each others hands, and together turn the situation around.
As the oldest breed organisation in South Africa we can really make a difference! We don’t want our dog’s banned or taken away from their responsible owners.
The Federation wants to educate and teach the public about our extra-ordinary, extra special dogs. We want to save the pit bull and preserve the breed as it should be.
The Federation is not just one or two individuals, but a collection of people who feels the same way about the American Pit Bull Terrier. As an organisation we can make a big impact in society. Now, more that ever, I am asking you to join hands with us in the fight to keep our Pit Bulls save!
Thank you for supporting the Pit Bull Federation of South Africa!
Jeanette Erasmus
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